I'm still on what I call "limbo time", not on European time, not on Panamanian time, but rather confused most of the time. I guess nothing has really changed since I've been back.
Being with the kids again has been great. Diego now has a broader and more refined vocabulary than a lawyer. Pablo appears to have taken over my role because Diego goes right to him whenever he's hurt himself to get some lovin'. Looks like they put on a few pounds while at their abuelos... Maybe it's just us.
All in all, Europe was awesome. These people (the French) seem to breathe and eat art. You see it in the plating of their dishes, in their hair styles and apparel. Sometimes it kind of gave me the feeling that they just knew better than me, that they'd collectively been around as civilized entities for so much longer than I had... Naturally, I also had a couple of tricks up my sleeve for them. The museums in Paris were just filled with wonderful things, I was like a kid in a candy store. The Picasso Museum stole my heart.
Bordeaux, a lovely city of southern France, was more slow-paced and very charming. I think it must be really nice to live there. I loved the signs on their streets, in Panama this is as rare as having a third eye. I especially enjoyed meeting my brother's acquaintances the night of the wedding because they were immediately so open to these slightly over-dressed latinamericans who early on proved to everyone what was under their misleading façade. We really had a great time.
Regarding Geneva, the perfect city, I must say we've brought back a perfect memory. Of divine food, magnificent scenery, of impressive order, but above all of wonderful company. Although at times I kinda felt like dropping a Diablo Rojo right in the middle of Main Street, I think I can safely say Gustavo and I behaved like normal, decent people for the most part. Ivan and Dayra were almost as excited as we were of spending time together 0ver there and we're very happy to have seen, first hand, how well our Comps is being taken care of. I'm amazed he's not the size of a sumo wrestler. Kudos, you guys, keep it up! And all the best to Mr. Picklewickle!!!
I've managed to post some pictures from the trip (FINALLY, in fact, feels more like I gave birth to them it was so complicated), this time I gave the msn spaces album feature a try. I left the cd with the photos of Paris (this would go between Bordeaux and Geneva) and will get it soon, so no pics from that in the meantime, sorry. Check back next week though. My remarks on Paris, then, will go on a later post due to my cd mishap (a.k.a. una Gretada clásica).
Anyway, to check out the pictures click here. There are 3 albums so far:
* Bordeaux with my family

* Geneva at Ivan & Dayra's

* The food & wine experience

I'll wrap up here, I think the images will say a lot more. I'll try to post as many as I can and maybe even drop by here more often!
La pasamos EXTREMADAMENTE BIEN! Can't wait para que la experiencia se repita. Hoy debe llegar el CD a Panama. Enjoy and keep posting! Besitos
Indeed! (ya no digo nada de eso de "extremadamente" porque Gustavo me mete un cascotazo! jajajja)
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