(I think this is a good name for this post because it's really not about the possible outcome of any of my current projects or where I'm heading or anything "philosophical" like that; rather, merely an overview of what's going on right now, what I/we have been up to more or less recently or just stuff that's been on my mind lately).
Well for starters, and maybe to set off in chronological order, here's a link I thought I'd share. It's this "vehicle" (it's basically half car, half motorcycle) that my cousin Alex designed for Volkswagen and that they actually approved and launched early this year as a "concept car". Neat, huh? Click here to take a look, it's awesome!
In other news, I've been sidekick-less against the evil empire of Pablo The Terrible and his own little sidekick, Diego "All hell's about to break lose because I'm hitting the terrible-two stage" Zevallos. Gustavo left for San Blas (Kuna Yala, to be politically correct) last Thursday, came back Saturday morning while we were all still at El Valle and hopped right back on a plane to Bocas later that same day. On a more tender note, Pablo has broken down a couple of times crying for "Papaaaaaa", specially right before he falls asleep, time at which he becomes somewhat delirious and has also been known to mumble the craziest, funniest things.
And talking about kids, it's that time again so BEWARE! Yup, you guessed it, it's Kid Season! Every couple of years people we know (including ourselves...) just seem to get synchronized and start having kids at the same time. The first good news I got for ya is from my own little brother, Gaby, and my cuñada, Carole! We are oh so happy although it is kind of a bittersweet sensation since they live in Bordeaux, France and long-distance-cheek-pinching just does not seem to work for me. The baby's name shall be Jude, after the Beatles song. Another couple that recently revealed their good news to the world is Gustavo's long-time friends Gabriel and Heidi and we're also super happy for them of course because, well, having kids is just great and nobody should miss out on so much! Enhorabuena! (Note: looks like this time around it's a name thing so watch out all you Gabriels out there...)
Another very pleasant surprise is having received a phonecall the other night from our compadre, Ivan, right from downstairs (NOT Geneva!) asking to come up to say hi. Unfortunately Gustavo didn't get to see him, but he did make reservations on our behalf with him for Friday night to go out. Ivan, this has gone public now, so you can't back up!
(I'd also like to state that the surprise was not only because he was not calling from Geneva, but because he was not calling drunk from Geneva!). Anyway, we had a good time chatting and catching up and he even managed to talk me into considering moving our wedding date to September when he'll most probably come again. That's how much we love ya, comps!
This is something I hadn't actually written about, although it is obviously something big not only for us but for everyone around us. Sometimes I have the feeling that, although it is meant to be something very small and intimate, it is like the wedding of the century and there's no chance of making it a pressure-less kinda thing. The grand finale of the fairytale, you know? Funny all the turns that life makes, no? So I really don't want it to be a cookie-cutter wedding because I feel like there is really nothing conventional about it and, as you know, it's just not our style. In fact, although our flip flop-beach wedding plans weren't able to come through we did try... Anyway, as most of you know, instead, it will take place at my parents' place in El Valle, surrounded by nature. So everything has just magically begun to fall into place although not quickly enough because I still need to take care of a whole bunch of things that are starting to stress me out! I'll keep you posted...
Now that I've been hanging out either with the kids or just by myself (because Gustavo is gone for the whole week) I have realized a couple of things. First, toddlers have at least 3 times as much energy as you and I and looks like a much bigger, badder attitude! Diego is starting to discover a new world now that he can walk and climb onto stuff, but also new limitations and rules. He is not taking the latter part very well and although I came back exhausted from our long weekend at El Valle I must say I'm better prepared for this battle than I was with Pablo so he'll definitely find a worthy opponent! Also, I've had a couple of opportunities to take my poor old guitar and make some noise, something I hadn't done in months believe it or not, and it's just pure therapy. I miss getting together with friends, writing our famous lists of songs to play and just goofing around, making music. Last, but certainly not least, I've realized I am infinitely fortunate because I have managed to have and raise not only one but two wonderful, gorgeous, sweet, brilliant, musical, crazy little boys. And they're all mine!!!!
ok, my cousin's GX3 vehicle is not at all a "half car - half motorcycle", but it's still pretty neat!
So you have some futuristic cousins, eh? How come we don´t get to test one of his prototypes???
Did I tell you I love you lately, baby?
Quiubo lil sis! solo para decirte que a Caro casi se le salen las lagrimitas de ver los nombres "Jude" y "Carole" en tu blog jejeje ... aahhh pregnancy... kind of funny how we (women, actually) get all sentimental even with the smallest details. En tout cas, merci de nous faire partager toutes ces petites choses de ton quotidien. Embrasse bien fort les trois 'tit-monstres de notre part, d'accord? G.
que bueno que estan chequeando el blog!!! well mon petit frère, keep in touch pa ver si vamos siempre o que...
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