A petición popular y para evitar más reclamos he aquí unas fotillos de la Julia tomadas hoy. Not much more to say except she's a delight and a very considerate boss so far. Se siente muy fuerte la presencia de un nuevo miembro en la familia, aunque todavía no nos ha caído el peso de ser cinco, como muchos auguraron con ojos como platillos y expresiones de mitad horror-mitad lástima. Supongo que por eso bien reza el dicho que dice que donde come uno comen dos y así sucesivamente... Además, Pablo es una ENORME ayuda y con Diego he contratado ayuda! jajaj (Pero por si las moscas, para cualquier donación contactar a la administración de este sitio...)
All in all, the first weeks
are very tough, there's no getting around that. I have not slept through the night, not even 5 straight hours, during all this time (and I guess it's kinda starting to hit me - note the Spanglish, very seldom used on my posts). However, I am not really doing much more than sleeping and eating when Julia sleeps, nor does anyone expect me to do anything else. I'm starting to wonder for how long I'll be able to play the "I just gave birth and I'm breastfeeding" card.
I most definitely love being a mom more than anything else in the whole universe -more than music, more than chocolate- but it's the toughest job around, do not be fooled by my enthusiastic-romantic take on the whole thing. It's also the most rewarding. Como diría mi papá, no hay nada realmente bueno en esta vida que sea rápido, fácil o gratis.
Ok, I guess there
was a bit more to say...